Thursday 20 September 2007

Dot Mossop

I received the following email a little while ago with the above picture and the following message, which explains itself:

This is Dot Mossop, or as I am now, Nikki Jansson. My husband gave me the nickname Nikki because I did not feel like a Dorothy. I was still at Millom and aged 16 at that time. This year we will have been married 45 years so I have been answering to Nikki longer than I have Dot - in fact I squashed the Dot bit years ago!. Dorothy is not so bad, Dorothy Elizabeth is just fine but it is me and I am delighted with the new information I have just received via Ann Barnett. (Warner)
I was nursing in London when we got married in 1962. My husband Bob did a post. doc. fellowship at U.C.L.A. (Los Angeles) so the first two years of married life was in the States. Then we returned to England and he was a Senior Lecturer at Southampton University so we lived in Hampshire where our three children were born. In 1981 he accepted a job with Monsanto and we returned to America - St. Louis, Missouri - where we have lived ever since. Our children are married with kids of their own and we have everyone within a 20 minute car ride from our house which is wonderful.
Although American citizens we have dual nationality and keep up our British passports. We are home (England) at least once a year, usually twice, but since my parents died our visits to Seascale are less frequent. ( We will be there in October this year however, and my family home there is now a small hotel.)
My brother lives in Hampshire, just over an hour's drive from either Heathrow or Gatwick so whenever we holiday in Europe we break our journey and stay with him and his family.
Bob and I met up with Ann and her husband Robin Barnett a few years ago for a civilized lunch - I would frequently bump into Ann in Seascale as we each visited our elderly parents - and we keep in touch via email and at Christmas. Although I have not seen my fellow pupils from Millom who lived in Seascale for donkeys years, I would visit with their parents when home. Especially Mr. and Mrs. Nevison and Fred Kallis (all now gone) and have met up with others - Val Dorward - at Gosforth Show and such so I have not really disappeared completely.
I can't make the September reunion but please say "Hi" to all and sundry on my behalf. I have all my old school photos and the grandchildren like to "find Nana" amongst all those (to me) familiar faces. I did once write a letter to Mr. Rees and filled him in on my doings and thanked him for moulding me into who I am - he was a wonderful teacher. I had a very nice three page letter back from him which I thought was very kind. He died not long after that. If I can find a recent photo of my husband and myself I will send it on to you.
Thanks for trying to keep us all together.
Nikki Jansson (Dorothy Mossop)

Monday 17 September 2007

Here is my best photo of the group of us at the reunion at Bankfield on Saturday. I hope everyone enjoyed it - I certainly did. If anyone has a better, or different photo, then let me know.

Tuesday 28 August 2007

Old pupils reunion 1992.

This is the photo of an old pupils' reunion taken in 1992, at Eccle Riggs, near Broughton.

Mr Dowell's wind band - 1962?

Miss Kelly's orchestra - 1962?
Here are a few more class photos.
This was the VIth form, though which year?

Was this the lower VIth?

And this...?

The staff in 1956.

Can you name and/or date this form?

Or this one?

This was the school in 1956, before work had started on the new buildings. Note the lone fielder on the right hand side!

More pics

This photo shows Gordon Rees's form in about 1956, then knows (I think) as form 2R.

Wednesday 10 January 2007

This photo was taken in 1956. Miss Armstrong was the form teacher and if you can't recognise everybody then you weren't there!

Welcome to Millom School Old Pupils Blog

This is Jem Buttery's blog for former (old?) pupils of Millom School. To start off with, it is mainly for those who started at the school in the years 1954 to 1956, though we may expand this in future.